NameWhorton Rector Barton 
Birth31 Mar 1809, ,Randolph Co,Illinois,U.S.A.
Death1 Feb 1889, Laclede,Linn Co,Missouri,U.S.A.
BurialSensentaffer far,So Ea of Laclede,Linn Co.,Mo.
ReligionLSD B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
Was in the Mormon War in Missouri. in 1848, he was elected Circuit Court Clerk. Taken from the history of Linn County, Pg 715. He was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth ( Rector ) Barton, who were natives of Virginia, was born in Randolph County, Illinois, March 9, 1809, and lived there until he was 20 years of age, his father being one of the earliest pioneers of that section of the country. In 1829 the subject of this sketch was removed to Howard County,Missouri,Lived there until 1833 and then went to Johnson County. In 1834 he came to Linn County, being one of the first settlers, in fact, there were only six families living in the County at that time, and he and John Yount are the only two surviving members of that particular settlement. In those days the people of this part of the country were accustomed to go to Howard County, fifty miles, to mill..Mr. Barton was the third sheriff of the County, filling the office from 1844 to 1847, when the County extended to the Iowa line, and when he was frequently compelled to ride 40 miles for a witness, though he received as remuneration for the trip only 50 cents. In 1848 Mr. Barton was elected circuit clerk of Linn County and a year later removed to the place where he now resides. Not withstanding his heavy losses in the late war he now owns and manages a splendidly improved farm of 280 acres and this is the results of his honesty of dealing, economy of management, energy of character, intelligence and public spirit. Mr. Barton was married in 1832 to Miss Jane Warren, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Gillespie) Warren, of Howard County, Missouri. They were married by Rev. Thomas Fuster They had by this union seven children,six of them living; William, Rector, Edward, Amanda, Elizabeth, and Huldah. He again was married in 1850 to Mrs Elizabeth Lockridge formerly a Miss Booker. They were married by Rev, Wm. Holmes. By this union there were seven children, four living; Wharton R.Jr., Alonzo P., and Elias . Elizabeth Rector Wilcox, daughter of Jane the first wife, was my great grandmother and her brother, Édward Barton, was the Confederate Civil War Veteran that I have a lot of materials about. I found Wharton R. Barton's grave and the grave of his second wife in a farm yard in the ruined private cemetery of the Sensentaffer family. It is located 1 mile south of Laclede and one and a half mile East. Township 57, range 20 W section 16 Northwest quarter. It is through the farm lot to the left of the house, then look north west to a group of trees about an eighth of a mile. You can see the Barton stone standing under the trees. From a letter from Ruth Davis who knew people who knew him. " I do recall that Grandma Wilcox's mother had a hard life. Wharton Barton was overbearing and had a son afflicted somehow. He favored this poor son who sat beside him at the table. a trouble with a swollen head. So the old man was good in a way. He had men working for him and they had to put on a coat before coming to the dining table. I think the poor wife was poorly treated." This son is buried by him, a young daughter and his second wife. In some old war records it is written that he fought in the battle with the Mormons. As he was 26 at the time, 1838, and Mormon records say that 1200 riders came from that area came to harass them. He was not sheriff until 1844. He probably was one of the young bucks who came as it was open season and legal to kill Mormons at the time. The governor declaired that they were revolutionaries. ----------------------------------------------------------------- In reading about the Mormon War after the first writing above, he was not Sheriff till 1844 and the Mormons were driven out of the area in 1836. There was a record at this time that a mob of about 1200 men came down from the Linn and Howard County area to harass the Mormons. He would have been single and about 26 at the time so this was probably where he fit into the Mormon War _________________________________________________________
His granddaughter, Ruth Hoover, in a letter in 1934, said that W.R. Barton lived in Kaskaskia, Ill. until his father died and then his mother moved to Howard Co. Missouri. In 1832 when he married his first wife, Jane Warren in Howard Co. he moved to the farm of his brother, Elias, which was north of Linneus near Miles Mill. He was second sheriff and Clerk of Linn Co. ( this information is near what I already had and expands it a lot ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ruth Hoover, his granddaughter, says that his second wife was widow Lockridge, maiden name Rooker, and moved to her farm southeast of Laclede.. He was buried with his second wife and two of their children on the Sensintafer Cemetery which is in a field south east of Maclede. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The 1860 census of Linn Co. Missouri showed Wharton and Elizabeth Barton and eleven children in the household. The children were from 18 years to 3 months. The 1950 census of Linn Co.Missouri showed Warton and Jane Barton with seven children at home.
-----------------------------------------------------------------I have found in the WESTERN HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPT SECTION of the Ellis Library, Uni. of Mo. at Columbia 113 pages of copies of his material while sheriff of Linn co. I have had these bound and in a soft book caller SHERIFF WHORTON RECTOR BARTON. In this material I have found a copy on his marriage to Jane Warren written by Rev. Thomas Fristoe. Copies say “ I Thomas Fristoe preacher of the gospel join together Whorton R. Barton and Jane Warren as man and wife both of the County of Howard and State of Missouri January the 12, 1832
HISTORY OF HOWARD AND COOPER COUNTIES pub 1883 from bio of Rector Barton “ Parents moved to Illinois when Wharton was a small boy, thence to St. Louis where he attended school and grew to manhood. moved to Linn Co in 1835 where he was one of the first settlers Farmer Sheriff, Circuit Clerk and other positions of public trust”
HISTORY OF LINN CO. pg 715 “ Whorton R. Barton Sr. son of Joseph and Elizabeth ( Rector ) Barton, natives of V.a. Born in Randolph Co. Ill. 9 March 1809 and lived there to the age of 20. Moved to Howard Co. Mo. in 1829 where he lived till 1833 “
From LINN COUNTY HISTORY;There was some excitement over the Mormon War in Davies and Carroll counties, and a few volunteers left Jefferson Twp.for the scene of strife. Wharton R. Barton was one of these and was at the surrender of " Far West" ( the most important town of the Mormon settlement in all that region )" and the taking of Joe Smith, Rigdon,Pratt and others, as prisoner.
From LINNEUS BULLETIN excerpts 1889-1894 Obituary - - Wharton Rector Barton died at his home south of Laclede, Feb 1, 1889. Born in Randolph Co, Ill. Father and mother both born in Virginia to Howard Co. Mo. in 1829. Linn Co. when only six families in the Co. 1n 1834 third sheriff in Linn Co. First wife was Jane Warren of Howard Co. Six children, all living,Mrs E.R.Wilcox of Linneus, William and Rector of Glasgow, Mrs Amanda Beswick of Chariton Co. Edward and Huldah Brawner, both of Linneus
. Married the second time Mrs Elizabeth Lockridge of whom 5 survive, Wharton R. Jr, Alfonzo P. Elias,Belle McCoy and Ella Foreman all of Linn Co. Buried in Sensentaffer burying ground.
From LINNEUS BULLETIN excerpt 1889-1894 May 11 Excert -May 11, 1892
Last evening Sheriff Barton received a telegram to come at once to Mrs Britton’s home 3 miles southeast of North Salem. Daniel McCollum had killed John Baker. Mr McCollum was curator of Robert McCollum’s children and was sited to appear before the court 21 st of this month.Mr Baker was to serve the papers. And as papers were being served ,Daniel McCollum drew a revolver and shot Mr Baker in the mouth and through the breast, killing him instantly. A long feud between the two families. Sheriff Barton has not returned and we are unable to state whether McCollum was arrested or not.
May 18, 1999 Daniel McCollum surrendered to sheriff Barton in confined in the Linn Co. Jail. John Baker leaves a wife and two children. McCollum is unmarried and engaged in farming,
1870 Census Linn Co Pt.1
Barton -
Wharton 61 M Ill.
Elizabeth 51 F Mo
Joseph 19 M Mo.
Wharton 17 M Mo
Alonzo 15 M Mo.
Isabella 13 F Mo.
Elias 12 M Mo.
Isaetta 7 F Mo.
Sarah Michael 22 f Mo.
John 10/12 M Mo
From THE HISTORY OF LINN COUNTY, MISSOURI 1989 Wharton R. Barton was listed as one of the few settlers who came to Linn Co. before 1836. . His name was listed as one who had not voted but his presence was noted elsewhere. He voted in 1838 but was recorded in Linn Co.
I have a copy of the will of W.R.Barton in my Barton files
Birth6 Oct 1812, ,,Tenn,U.S.A.
Death1848, Near Linneus,Linn Co,Missouri,U.S.A.
BurialBrown Cemetery,North Of Linneus,Mo.
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Marriage18 Oct 1832, Old Salem Chuch Near Glasgow, Mo.,
Birth24 Mar 1819, Howard Co. Mo.
Death2 Jul 1897
BurialSensentaffer far,near Laclede,Linn Co.,Mo.
ReligionLDS B C I E SP