NameElias Rector Barton 
Birth20 Mar 1837, Linn CO/ Mo.
Death21 Jan 1907, Fayette, Howard Co., Mo
BurialWashington Cemetery, Glasgow, Mo
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
According to Chester Moulder he married Sally Savage of Kentucky and they had Oswold ( a Lawyer ) who married and had Jack who drowned. Maggie who married Sam Myers and they had Queen, Wm,P.C., Rector and Armin. Also Jennie M. who married Jack Thompson ----------------------------------------------------------------- RUTH HOOVER, GRANDDAUGHTER of Wharton Rector Barton, says that he was born 20 March, 1836.Yost wrote that their daughter married Jasper Thompson of Fayette with no children. Son Oswald and Maggie who became Mrs S.L. Meyer of Fayette,
His family is buried in an iron fenced plot, the second on the right when you enter through the main gate. We visited his family plot in the Washington Cemetery, Glasgow, Mo. He and his son have their names on a common stone. The son drowned somewhere and his body is not there I am told.
He was left 1000 dollars by his uncle Elias R. Barton
From THE GLASGOW WEEKLY JOURNAL` 20 May 1880 Mr and Mrs Rector Barton celebrated their 20 th anniversary. 4 Jan.1880 entertained friends Wed.,27 May 1880 Mrs Barton was Miss Sallie Savage.,16 March 1882 sold handsome specimens of bovine breed. 4 Dec 1884 grand jury for court term.30 Apr 1885 bought tobacco from James Annen and Bros., 7 May 1885 on Missionary Work Committee for Y.M.C.A., May 28,1885 Mrs attended Women’s Missionary Society convention. 20 Sept 1883 With J.F.Henderson in Dry Goods line,3 Jan 1884 Has energy, integrity as Supt. of dry goods emporium
Mr and Mrs Barton are members of the M.E.Church and he was a member of Lodge 51 A.F.and A.M. lodge and also of the A.O.U.W.
From Fayette Advertiser #26, June 28,1888,pg 3,c 3.One of the most important cases in Howard Co. was a suit by Elias and Rector Barton of Glasgow against William M. Wickes, Wabash agent at Glasgow for $ 1,000 damages caused by the defentant selling the plaitiff some hogs. Seven hogs afterward died of cholera and caused several hundred others to die. The jury gave the plaintiff a verdict for $ 1.
From Central Missourian, Glasgow, Howard Co. Mo.
Thursday 14 Feb 1889 -
A westbound freight train ran into a four mule team belonging to Rector Barton at the crossing near his place last thursday. One mule was killed and another cripples so it had to be shot. the wagon also was badly wrecked. The driver had a miraculous escape from
Feb 21, 1889
Rector Barton has secured the tobacco factory near the C and CA Depot and commenced receiving tobacco Tuesday. We learn that the prices range from $ 1.50 to $ 3.00.
Dec 4 , 1890
We are sorry to hear of the continued and painful illness of Mr. Elias Barton
Feb 5, 1891
We are pleased to learn tha Mr. Elias Barton who has been painfully and dangerously ill for weeks again is able to be up.
20 Aug 1891
Mr Elias Barton who recently suffered a stroke , we are pleased t announce, is able to be out again snd is rappidly recovering from his illness.
Birth21 Jan 1837, Macon Co,Ky.
Death22 Oct 1910, Howard Co. Mo.
BurialWashington Cem. Glasgow, Mo.
ReligionLDS SS