NameJohn H Bennett 
Birth1790, ,Monongalia Co.,W.V.,U.S.A.
DeathOct 1835, Dearborn Co,Ind.,U.S.A.
Misc. Notes
He is mentioned in War of 1812 by Richard G. Wardell, Heritage Books. as having a Bounty Land Grant. His widow also got a pension. Also Va. Soldiers War of 1912. Chris Garst gives death date of John Bennett as 8 May 1848. My records show 1833. Note- The war of 1812, also known as the WAR-HAWK, started before 1812 with the British and Indians. Congress declared war 18 June 1812. President Madison declared the war over 16 Feb 1815, General Wm. H. Harrison won a narrow victory over the Indians at Tippecanoe in Indiana in 1814. The British captured Washington, D.C. and burned the White House. Clyde Sanger notes say that 1818 government land transferred for $ 120. to John P. Bennett??? 23 June 1828 74 Ac EE 1/4 8-6-2. ( Dearborn or Decatur Co Indiana) He also thinks that there was an older daughter and that there were 5 children. He feels that she was born prior to 1820 so would possibly be married and not at home by the 1930 census.
From HISTORY OF NEW ALSACE, IND Pg 6 “ John Bennett built a little cornmill on the west fork Tanner’s Creek at Harmons Station”.
DEARBORN CO, IND. From probate 1835 died Dearborn Co. Ind. East half of the NE quarter of sect 18, twn Range 2 W sold March 19 1836 for $469/507.50. Robert Rowe Adm. $115 Catherine’s dower. $150.48 debts and expenses of estate. $30.25 each heir ($ 242.02. Jane Bennett $32/25.02 ( widow).Jared, Casper, Jacob Michael all had lands close by.
IN HENRY CO. Ind Deeds Lists: Catharine Bennett ( original owner John Bennett of Dearborn Co. Ind. June 21 1834. ) of NE Sec Twn 17 Rng 10 -160 acres $ 500.00
WNE Sec 7 Twn 17 Rng 10-80 acres, NESE Sec 7 Twn 17 Rng 10-40 Acres.
From COTTON’S KEEPSAKE’ by Judge A.J.Cotton “in 1826 I commenced what may be termed by by political career - but at this time my ever-cherished friend, John Bennett, sold out and removed to Henry Co. Ind. from Dearborn Co. I had secured a beautiful location and one of the prettiest farms and many exceedingly kind friends in Henry Co. whom I loth to leave and whose names and memories I fondly cherish still. The following precious names I must and will embalm in the pages of my little book, John Bennett, Philander Ross, xxxx Zadoc Bennett
IND-DEARBORN CO-MANCHESTER TWP HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES pg 539..”A portion of Section 7 in 1818 to Casper Michael ( Father-in-law ) A portion of section 18 in 1828 to John Bennett. A portion of Sec 12 in 1818 to Jared Michael
( Bros-in-Law ) A portion of Sec. 13 in 1827 to Jacob Michael.
Note from Louisa E. McBeth Oct 2, 1935,Pembrose Colo. She was Hannah Bennet Modlin’s daughter “ When she was elev years old , her grandmother ( Catharine Mcichael) told her that her family lived in Va. on the Monongalia River , were Dutch and could read only German. The Michaels landed in Virginia not Penn. It is believed that the Bennetts were German and came from the Isle of Man between England and Ireland.. There is a story that John Bennet was born on board the ship crossing the Atlantc and that his mother died on ship when he was about a year old. It is surmised that John’s father remarried to Elizabeth Laird
Cause of death - Brain Fever
Fact 1 1818 Dearborn Co.Ind. Orig Land Tract Twp 6 Rng 2W Lot 27 - next to Caspen/Phillip Michael.
Fact 2 -1820 Dearborn Co. Ind Census
Fact 3 - 1841 May 4 Probate Court Docket
Fact 4 1809 Monongalia Co.W.V. Sold Land
Fact 5 1814 May 4 to Aug 13 War of 1812 Private in Capt. Harry’s Militia
Fact 6 1816 Married Catharine Michael Bedford Co. Pa.
Fact 7 1818 Dearborn Co. Ind. Orig. Land Entry Twn 6 Rng2WSec8 pg 27 ( next to Jared Michael
Fact 8 1820 Dearborn C. Ind. Census
Fact 9 1824 Henry Co. Ind. Bk D 40 Acres NNE 7 Sec 17
Fact 10 1830 Decatus Co. Ind. Census
Fact 11 1835 Estate settlement Bc B Pg 147
I have an official record of his Civil War record in my files.
I have a copy of John H. Bennett’s will.
Birth6 Apr 1794, Morgantown,Monongalia Co,W.Va.
Death31 Oct 1878, Burr Oak,Jewel Co.,Kansas,U.S.A.
ReligionLDS B E SP
Marriage4 Mar 1816, ,Monongalia Co,W.V.,U.S.A.