Genealogy of Thomas E Cady - Person Sheet
Genealogy of Thomas E Cady - Person Sheet
NameSquire Jr. Boone
Birth5 Oct 1744, Oley Twp.,Berks Co,Penn.
DeathAug 1815, Harrison Co.,,Ind.
BurialBoone Caverens,Harrison Co.,Ky.
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
FatherSquire Boone (1696-1765)
MotherSarah Morgan (1700-1777)
Misc. Notes
Squire Boone Jr. was born at 5 AM in Burke Co. Penna and at the age of four went with his parents to Winchester, Va. and then on to Rowan, N.C. 8 miles from the present city of Wilkesboro. He developed a great fondness of guns and was apprenticed out to his cousin, Samuel Boone, in Philadelphia who was a gun smith. He stayed 5 years and became an excellent gunsmith in stocking and ornamental work in Gold and Silver. In 1765 just before he became 21 he married Jane Van Cleve, daughter of Dutchman Aaron Van Cleve on 11 July,1765. Game was getting scarce and he and Daniel Boone went to Florida in 1765 looking for game but found that there was little there so in 1767 he and Daniel Boone, his brother, went to Kentucky and found abundant game and spent the winter hunting and trapping. In the spring of 1769, Daniel and five others went to Kentucky and in the fall Squire Boone and Alexander Neely went to find them. When they got to the meeting point, Daniel and one of the five others, James Stewart, were prisoners of the Indians and the other four had gone back to North Caroline. Daniel and Stewart escaped. Then Stewart went hunting and was never seen again and Neely started back to N.C. and was never heard of again so Daniel and Squire were left alone. One May , 1770, Squire went back to N.C. for supplies and met Daniel on the 27 th of July after a 3 month absence. The Indians were getting real bad so they moved to the Cumberland River. Daniel and Squire had great confidence in each other and he was with Daniel when he marked the wilderness trail. They built Fort Boonesborough in the Spring of 1775. Squire Boone moved his family to Kentucky in 1776 and it is on record that he, a sometime preacher of the Calvinistic Baptist Church, performed the first marriage in Kentucky. The Indians were very troublesome . In 1777 Squire Boone was shot through the left side and a rib was broken in two places. He was caught in a field with others and in the battle with the Indians. He killed one with a sword that he carried but received a cut on his forehead that he carried the rest of his life. This was called the corn crib affair. Then the Indians, 440 of them, laid seige of the fort . The siege lasted 11 days and Squire Boone was shot though the back, injuring his spine. The Indians killed all the livestock that they could get. Squire Boone preached the first sermon by any denomination in Louisville.In 1780 he moved to what was called Squire Boone's Station. Here he was ambushed by Indians and a great number of the party was wounded or killed. He was shot in the right side and right arm and was so badly wounded that they thought that he would not live but after 3 months he recovered but bone fragments worked out of his flesh for the rest of his life and his right arm was one and a half inches short and partially crippled. In 1780/81 he acted as justice and married many couples.The Indians got so bad that it was thought best to leave the station so all the families except his family and a widow left. There were not enough horses to pack out everyone. The ones who left were ambushed and scattered and killed. This left Squire Jr., badly wounded, the only man in the area.. About three days later a rescue party came and buried the dead and took Squire Boone Jr. and family and the widow and took them to Linn Station..In 1781 he was in the House of Delegates from Jefferson Co. Va,. He was honored and accepted back in Va. and was a member of the Va. State Legislature where he appealed for aid for the frontier settlers. Asked about his life he said that he had been so honored as to dine with the Governor and so poor that he had stole hominy from a Negro. He loved the Kentucky area and moved back to Harrod's station. He brought several families with him and found the station burned and it was the dead of winter. In 1784 he built a grist and sawmill at his station and in December of the year he was a member of the first Kentucky Convention as a delegate from Lincoln Co.. He was sent, in 1786, as a delegate from Kentucky to the Va. Legislature to Ratify the Constitution of the United States. He lost all his land because of land disputes and went down the river to New Orleans and spent a year or two in New Orleans and worked his gun trade for 3 years. His property was confiscated and he walked back to Kentucky overland with little but his gun. He then found homes for his children, he and his wife and youngest son and started out with a wagon and a years supply of provisions and went to Florida where he did well financially but bits of bone coming out his back caused him to sell out and the family sailed to Philadelphia and settled in Burke Co, 1796 he returned to Shelby Co. Kentucky to live with his son, Jonathan. When Daniel Boone moved to Missouri, Squire Boone went with him and spent a year or two. He received a Spanish grant of 700 acres and had a stone house half built when two of his sons came out and said that the family was tired of moving and persuaded him to go back to Kentucky. In 1802 he and his wife owned property. Then Land sharks deprived him of all his holdings in Ky. and in 1804 he was in prison for not paying his debts. Neither he or Daniel had actually served in the Revolutionary War but congress passed a resolution giving them honor and standing of being a Revolutionary Soldier. In 1804/06 he and five of his sons and 5 other Boones moved to Indiana 25 miles northwest of Louisville, Ky. He accumulated property, built a mill, worked the gun trade and quarried stones. In 1815 he died of dropsy and had built his own coffin to be placed in a cave overlooking Buck Creek. He had his sons visit the grave the third night after he died and he would try to communicate with them. they complied but were not successful. Squire Boone was well built, 5 foot 9 inches tall. He had sandy hair , light blue eyes and was florid completed. He dressed sometimes as a British officer. He loved to hunt but not as much as Daniel.He never got over the fact that he had done so much to settle Kentucky but others got all the rewards. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SQUIRE DANIEL AND JOHN FAMILIES IN DAVIE CO. N.C Owner of land in Davie Co. by Squire, Squire Jr. and Daniel Boone. "Squire and Sarah Morgan Boone to Squire Boone Jr. the 640 acre tract on Elizha and Duchman Creeks. Squire Boone Jr. sold 50 acres on the west side of Licking Creek to Henry Baker. Squire Boone Jr. sold 590 acres to Jacob Felker on the south side of Licking Creek Pg 7 Squire Boone Jr. married Jane Vancleave in 1765. He acquired 640 acres from Squire Boone Sr. and sold it in 1767. The family moved to Kentucky permanently in 1779. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From SQUIRE BOONE AND HIS DESCENDANTS Pg 357 Squire, Daniel Boone's brother, wasn't quite as well known as Daniel but he was with Daniel most of the time and also was in other States doing the same thing that Daniel was doing, Pg. 473 - Squire Boone Jr. was the 10 th child of Squire and Sarah Morgan Boone and a brother of the famous Daniel Boone. Squire was born along the Schuylkill River on Oct. 4 1744 in Exeter Twp. Berks Co. Pa. When he was 5 years old he went with his parents and brothers and sisters to Winchester, Va. in about 1750. Then a little later to N.C. where they lived near Boone's Ford on the east side of the South Yadkin River in Rowan Co. about 8 Miles from Wilkesboro, N.C. On Aug. 8, 1765 he married Jane VanCleve Born 18 Oct. 1749 in New Jersey. He and his brother, Daniel, hunted together, and looking for meat, they went to parts unknown to them. An older man, John Finley, came on horseback to N.C. and told them about Kentucky in about 1769. He praised Kentucky about how plentiful game and buffalo were. He told that at the falls of the Ohio, near Louiseville, that the falls were so swift it carried ducks and geese over the falls killing them. All they had to do was go out by canoe below the falls and pick them up. These two young men, Squire and Daniel, began to get itchy feet to go and see for themselves this place called Kentucky. They saw all kinds of animals, buffalo herds so numerous that at the Blue Lick Salt area, they had worn 4 feet deep paths to get to the salt. There were cane brakes, so thick they could hardly walk through, for buffalo to feed on. There were all kinds of animals for their pelts and also for food. The beauty of Kentucky was breathtaking and Squire and Daniel felt the urge to explore more and so eventually come as settlers to live there. There were also Indians - lots of unfriendly Indians who did not want the white man to take their hunting grounds and their salt. In 1775 Squire and Daniel and 28 men cut what is know as a WILDERNESS TRAIL - WILDERNESS ROAD - BOONE'S TRAIL - BOONE'S TRACE from Mocksville N.C. to the area of Richmond Ky. This road was the gateway to the west, the first route across the Appalachian Mountains to Kentucky. The WILDERNESS ROAD was cut through a wilderness of trees, brushy mountain laurel, rhododendron, over creeks, rivers, thick cane and over mountains. Also in the spring of 1775 Fort Boonsborough was built on the Kentucky River in Jefferson, Ky. In the Spring of 1776 Squire Boone Jr. and Daniel led the party of settlers from N.C. on their journey to a new life and a new country - to Boonesborough, Ky. in Madison Co. On Aug. 7, 1776, Squire Boone who was an ordained Baptist minister performed the first marriage in Kentucky territory at Fort Boonesborough - that of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Callaway. Squire's oldest 3 sons and his daughter were born in N.C. but his youngest son Enoch Morgan Boone was borne at Fort Boonesborough out in a cane brake. he was the first white male to be born in Ky. In the next few years the Indians were very troublesome to the settlers. At one time Squire and his family were at Fort Harrod, at Harrodsborough, Ky. in 1777 and Squire was shot through the left side, breaking a rib in two places. Just before they went to Fort Harrod, he was wounded on April 24, 1777 in a raid on Fort Boonesborough and again about a month later at Fort Harrod. Again he was wounded in the so called PEACE CONFERENCE at Boonesborough in Sept. 1778. Over 440 hostile Indians lead by Captain DuQueene, a British officer , who had laid seige of the fort and offered a withdraw if the officers of the fort would sign a peace treaty. The forts officers including Squire Jr. Met the Indian delegation outside to handle treaty negotiations, The hostile group suddenly attacked the settlers. They attempted to take them as prisoners and hold them as hostages, the settlers succeeding in escaping to the fort but Squire Jr. was severely wounded by a musket ball. In 1779 Squire Jr. and family left the older settlement and went the Shelby Co. Ky. There he built a new settlement on Clear Fork of Brashear's Creek about 6 miles from the mouth of Bull Skin known as Squire Boone's Station. a few miles north of the present Shelbyville. Ky. Squire Boone's Station was also called PAINTED STONE. Here the Indians were harassing the settlers. The Indians, 20 of them, were hiding behind brush wood and Squire Boone was hit in his right arm and the second shot in his right side. He was so badly wounded that no one thought that he would live. After several months of suffering he finially recovered. His arm was so badly shattered it was an inch and a half shorted than his other arm and partly crippled. Splinters of bone would work out occasionally. It is said that Squire Boone on Nov.22 1779 preached the first sermon at the Station of the Falls. Louiseville, Ky. Squire Boone's Station was later abandoned in Sept. 1781 because of troublesome Indians, Again on Aug. 19, 1782 Squire Boone was wounded at the famous battle of Blue Licks. In 1784 Squire Boone built a grist and sawmill at his station, He was sent as a delegate from Ky. to the Va. legislature which ratified the present constitution of the United States. Squire like Daniel lost all his land claims and became very discouraged after all they both had done to open up Ky. so the settlers could move west and suffering from his many wounds which did not heal properly. Two years after Squire died, in 1813 Congress did grant him the honor of being a Revolutionary War Soldier. Squire went with Daniel and others to Missouri in 1799. His family was tired of moving so Squire came back to Shelby Ky. where his family was. He was the victim of land fraud in Ky. Squire was discouraged because he had been cheated out of his land holdings in Ky. to people who had done nothing more than come to Ky. and place their claim for land that he had fought for and endured all the hardship for, Why wouldn't he be discouraged? Being old and homeless he moved on in 1804 to Harrison Co., Ind which is on the north side of the Ohio River. There he started a new life. His wife, Jane Van Cleve Boone and his children went too, His cousin, Samuel Boone, and his family went to Harrison Co. Indiana with Squire's family. Squire had hunted and explored this area before. On a previous hunting trip he suddenly met a band of hostile Indians. Remembering a small cave nearby, the cave overlooking Buck Creek,he fled to the safety of the cave whose opening was concealed by heavy vines. He could hear the Indians tramping overhead in his pursuit. Squire remained hidden until the Indians left the vicinity. Near this small one was a much larger one with a spring that flowed into Buck Creek at the bottom of the bluff. When Squire and family came to Harrison Co, Ind. in 1804 he remembered this part of the country and decided that this part was where he wanted to live the rest of his life. They cleared the land for farming, built a large log house. They built a grist mill, the first in Harrison Co. and used the flow of the large spring from the cave to turn the water wheel. This grist mill became very successful and has been rebuilt and is in use at the famous Squire Boone Caverns owned by W, Fred Conway since 1972, a businessman from New Albany, Ind. Squire Boone was a very religious man. His children were all given Biblical names, Sarah, Jonathan, Isiah, Enoch and Moses. Moses Boone and others built the Old Gothen Church in Boone Twp. in Harrison Co. Ind. Squire carved a lot of religious verses on many large stones. He had asked his sons to place his body when he died in a large walnut coffin which he and others had made. He asked for his coffin to be placed in the small cavern which he had used to escape the Indian war party. He wanted a large stone to be placed over the mouth of the cave. His body was there for many years but later relic hunters began carrying away pieces of the coffin and some of his bones. He died Aug. 1815. After Squire's death, his widow, Jane Van Cleve Boone, who died 10 Mar. 1829, made her home with son Enoch Morgan Boone in Meade Co. Ky. across the river from Harrison Co. Ind. Soon Enoch Morgan Boone heard about the relic hunters so he gathered up his father's remains and buried him in the Boone Cemetery in an unmarked grave on Enoch's farm Now the cemetery is in Fort Knox, Ky. Enoch Boone owned 4000 acres along the Ohio River. It began at the Otter Creek Municipal Park, owned now by the City of Louiseville, Ky., where Fort Knox Ky is and on into Meade Co. Ky. Squire's widow, Jane Van Cleve Boone, Enoch Morgan Boone and wife and other Boones are buried in the Boone Cemetery in Ft. Knox, Ky. Squire and Daniel Boone and others made it possible through their spilt blood and toil to open up Kentucky to the settlers to the northwest part of America. Enough cannot be said about these brave men and their families for all the heartaches and hardships they endured to make it possible for us today in this great U.S.A. to live in a free country. The Squire Boone trail roughly parallels Interstate Highway 64. ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- Squire Boone 2 nd wrote a genealogy of his family and it is recorded and printed in THE BOONE BULLETIN Vol #1 June 1828 # 5 Some of my materials come from this source. The material below comes from this sourse. The rest is from assorted material from Boone Discussion Group. materials that are in my Boone files. Parts of materials credited to Joel F. Bartley who was a nephew of Squire 2d. nd. He claimed to be the only one who knew where the cave that contained Squire's body was located. he described him as a man of more than medium height, a little stooped, hair sandy, blue eyes, high cheek bones, high forehead, a raw boned man. He always wore a smile on his face. He set mu leg when I was about four years old. The first peaches I ever saw were on his farm. He was wounded eleven times. His wife, Van Cleve, was a large woman. Before 1880 he broke his pledge of secrecy about the cave site and went there with the author and his cousin and lowered into the cave. The body had been vandalized and the skeleton and coffin scattered. Squire Boone son of Squire and Sarah, was born in Oley Twp. in Burkes Co. in Pa. in the year of our Lord 1744, and in the 5 th year of age he was taken by his father into N.C.where he lived 10 years and again taken into Pa. to learn the gunsmith trade and after an apprenticeship of 5 years came back again to N.C. and in the one and twentieth year of his age was married to Jane Vancleave In the year 1775 his father with his family moved to ( Cantucke ) and settled at Boone's Borough, where he lived two years and then moved to Brashear's Reef where was his place of residence for 12 years. Squire Boone 2 nd has long training as a soldier fitted Squire Boone for a physician and surgeon. In time of need, a service he freely gave. A keen sense of humor and a warm humanity endeared by all. ( the writer denied the truth of the saying that he had been rich enough to be entertained by the governor and poor enough to steel hominy from a negro. Squire had a great sence of humor. He joked on his death bed about not being poor showing coins worth 1/8 of a dollar. Also he denies the fact that Squire did occasionally dress as a British Army officer and if he did it was in jest ) He said that he was the youngest child of a large family and they had run out of biblical names so named him Squire. The Revolutionary service of Squire Boone was second only to his brother Daniel. Daniel with forty men built the famous Boone Wilderness Road that ended at Port Boonesborough. The flag never came down defending this station he received a wound so serious that death seemed inevitable. Though he ring the Revolutionary War. May 23 1775 Governor Henderson called a State convention and Squire Boone served as a delegate and served in thee first legislature of the West.An old record says that a party went to hunt Indians. One wounded and Squire Boone escaped. In 1779 he organized Squire Boone's Station and became its captain. There were 23 men in his company. In defending this station he received a wound so serious that death semed inevitable. Though he recovered the ill effects clung to him for life. He received in all 11 wounds perhaps a record for the war. In 1781 he represented Jefferson County in the Virginia Legislature He was the Justice of Peace. He also was credited as a founder of Louisville being one of the petitioners for it's establishment in 1779 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Birth16 Oct 1749
Death10 Mar 1829, Ft.Knox,,Ky.
ReligionLDS B C I E SS
Marriage8 Aug 1765, ,,N.C.,U.S.A.
ChildrenJonathan (1766-1837)
 Moses (1769-1842)
 Isiah (1772-)
 Sarah (1774-1846)
 Enoch Morgan (1777-1862)
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