NameMoses Boone 
Birth23 Feb 1769, ,Near The Forks Of The Yadkin River,Rowan Co.NC
Death8 Mar 1842
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
He married his cousin, daughter of Samuel, son of Samuel, son of George.
From THE BOONE FAMILY by Spraker - He was born on a Tuesday about 6 in the A.M. He remembered to Siege of Boonesborough by the Indians as he was 9 years old He went with his
father when he wentto Indiana. He had been in Clark's campaign under Major Whittaker and wrote an account of the capture of Vincennes by General George Rogers Clark.
Birth6 Feb 1770, Exeter,Berks, P)a.
Death8 Mar , 08 March, Jefferson Co, Ky.
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Marriage20 Dec 1786, Brashear's Reef Jefferson Co. Ky.