NameJonathan Boone 
Birth20 Aug 1766, ,Rowan,N.C.
Death9 Mar 1837
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
From THE BOONE FAMILY by Spraker- Jonathan Boone was borne about 10 AM in the Forks of the YADKIN RIVER, N.C. As a small boy he was present at Indian attacks and his father took him to Kaskaskia, Ill. and let him there for 4 years to learn the French language.He later went East for education and was very talented and wrote a book on surveying. He was a very good hunter and loved adventure.
Birth9 Dec 1768, Yadkn River, Rowan, N,C,
Death19 Jan 1842
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS