NameElizabeth Browne 
Birth26 Mar 1657, Cambridge,Suffolk,Mass.,U.S.A.
Death3 Jul 1720, Falmouth,Cumberland Mnt.,Maine,U.S.A.
ReligionLDS B C I E SP
Misc. Notes
THESE DATES WERE FOUND IN THE GUSTIN COMPENDIUM PG 37. MESA LDS LIBRARY--- ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ANCESTRY OF JOHN S. GUSTIN-" Elisabeth, daughter of John and Ester Browne married John Gustine. This source says that she was born in Watertown and not in Cambridge. ----------------------------------------------------------------- She and John Gustin probably lived in the part of Salem called Bass Their first three children were born there ----------------------------------------------------------------- -.
Birth9 Jan 1647, Le Tacq,St. Quens,Isle of Jersey,Channel Is.
Death3 Jul 1719, Falmouth,(Portland), Cumberland Co.Me,.S.A.
ReligionLDS B C I E SP
Marriage10 Jan 1678, Watertown,Salem,Mass.