NameHannah M. Michael ![](../img/i_tree.png)
Birth5 Apr 1830, St. Omer,Decatur Co.,Ind.,U.S.A.
Death26 Apr 1921, Beaverton,Washington Co.,Oregon,U.S.A.
Burial28 Apr , Crescent Grove Cem.Beaverton,Wash. Co.,OrOr.
ReligionLDS B E SP
Misc. Notes
Her first child was born on the Oregon Trail. They buried the baby in front of the wagons and the wagon train ran over it to hide it from the Indians who would rob the grave for the clothes ect. Death place from her death certificate from note by Roy Whitestead. From The Sunday Democrat of Albany, Oregon. Hannah Michael died in the year 1922 at Beaverton. She was at the time of her death 92 years of age. She was the last of Jerad Michael's children to die. She is buried in the Crescent View Cemetery 9925 S.W. Greenburg Road, Tigard, Oregon 27223. I have a map of the cemetery and the grave location in my materials. In the Michael album. - -------------------------------------------
From Judy Caufield-Hannah Michael is buried in the Crescent Grove Cemetery, east of Washington square on Greenfield Rd. Tigard Or. Hannath’s grave is in the older part of the cemetery next to a Josephine Barnes. Her stone is marked HANNAH M. FORGEY, APR. 5 -1830, APR 26 1921.
-----------------------------------------------------------------I have a picture of her in my files
Birth5 Jan 1821, ,Kneox Co,Tenn
Death19 Aug 1896, ,Nez Perc,Idaho
Marriage23 Jun 1846, ,Howard Co.,Indiana,U.S.A.