NameSamuel Storrs 
Birth6 Feb 1640, Sutton cum Laund,Nottinghanshire,England
Death30 Apr 1719, Mansfield,Tolland,Conn.
BurialOld Mansfield Center
ReligionLDS B C I E S S SP
Misc. Notes
Storrs- From the Danish Storre meaning greater, larger, strong, stout. In Teutonic it means great in the sense of the of power, rule or authority. The earliest mention of the English records is Rogeries de Stores of Beckfontes in 1278. --------------------------------------------------------------- He came from England in 1663 and settled at Barnstable, Mass.It is not known which ship he took. Three years later he married Mary, daughter of Thomas Huckins of Barnstable who was in the Artillery Co. After she died, he married the Widow Esther Agard and had three children by her, Thomas, is our line.About 1698, Samuel moved to Mansfield where he and his son, Samuel, by the first marriage were proprietors Information submitted by Kenneth Bernard Morrissey- 6507 81 st st. Cabin John, Martland 20731 -----------------------------------------------------------------. the STORRS FAMILY by O. Storrs cs713886 -1886 p 447 Library of Congress, Wash. D.C. The Storrs Family by Chas Storrs 1886 E 7S886, Library of Cape Cod, History and Gen No. 34 pgs 16 and 17 F 8441s7.5. Mansfield V.R. Vol. D p 201 Windham Conn Rec F6996/9, He was the fourth son and fourth child of Thomas and Mary Storrs of Sutton-cum,-Lound, Nottinghamshire, England. He was baptized 7 Dec. 1640 and babies were usually baptized a month after birth. Samuel Storrs and his eldest son, Samuel, moved to Mansfield about 1698 and died there April 30, 1719 at the age of 79 and buried in the old burial ground of South Parish. The burial ground was laid out in 1696 and was called ponde-place- the oldest burying ground in Tolland Co. He was very prominent in religious and civic affairs. He was one of the original 9 members of the Mansfield church and the first deed given in Mansfield was given to him. Extended history of him on pages 77-78-79 of The Storrs Family by Charles Storrs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From THE DIRECTORY OF THE ANCESTRAL HEADS OF NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES 1620-1700 Samuel, son of Thomas S. fifth generation from William S. Baptized at Sutton, Nottinghamshire in 1640 Came to Barnstable in 1663 removed to Mansfield, Conn. 1698 where he died in April 30, 1719. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The will of Samuel Storrs is listed on pages 81-82-83 of The STORRS FAMILY by Charles Storrs. In my possession. I have the book. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES by William Richard Cutter. In 1663 he came to Barnstable, Mass, and was admitted to the church there March 8 1. 1685 He removed to Mansfield, Conn. in 1698 and died there April 3, 1719 in his 79 th year, He is buried in the old south parish the oldest in Tolland Co. He was one of the original members of the Mansfield Church. the first deed of record in that psrt of Windham now Mansfield was given to Samuel Storrs by a number of Norwich men in 1700. He owned various other parcels of land later. He was active in town affairs held various town offices and many of the early town meetings were held in his home. A monument was erected to his memory in 1879 by Charles Storrs of New York, the family historian.. His will was dated 17 May 1717 He married Dec.16 1666 Mary Huckins of Barnstable born 1646 died Sept 24 1883 daughter of Thomas Huckins who was a member of the Boston Artillery Co. and standard bearer in 1639. She was a member of the church in 1683. He married a second time 14 December 1685 to Esther Agard, a widow, who had a son, John, by her first marriage. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ( Children by his first wife are on his family sheet ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- From BARNSTABLE VITAL RECORDS OF CHILDREN All of his children by both wives were born in Barnstable and these vital records confirm materials on family sheet. ---------------------------------------------------------------- From HISTORY OF BARNSTABLE by Dego In 1689 after approximately 49 years of existence, Barnstable had 89 eligible voters. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER VOL 51 Samuel Storrs was one of the original settlers of Manchester. Samuel Storrs's will ins copied in the STORRS FAMILY. It was dated May 22 1717 and recorded Jul 7 1719 at Mansfield . In it he gives to his five daughters Sara, Hannah, Elizabeth, Lydia and Esther 160 acres of land divided equally among them Samuel Storrs lived in Barnstable from 1663 till about 1700 ----------------------------------------------------------------- From A DIGEST OF EARLY CONN. PROBATE RECORDS VOL. 11 PG 327 Storrs, Samuel Mansfield Take 2 July 1719 by Shubael Dimmock and Thomas Huntington. Will dated 22 May 1717.. " I, Samuel Storrs, Sr, of Mansfield, in the County of Hartford and Colony of Conn. in New England being crazy and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament: I give and bequeath to Esther my wife the sum of 10 pounds of the current money of New England a year if she stands in the need of it and use of two cows and half of the orchard and a five-room dwelling house and her firewood so long as she stays my widow. These particulars are to be fulfilled by my loving son Thomas Storrs. Item 1 give to my son Samuel my gun,sword, hoan and razor and I have given him a whole allotment of land which I account his portion. I give to my five daughters Sara, Anna, Elizabeth, Lydia and Esther at my decease 100 acres of land that lyes at Coney Rock and 10 acres that lyes there and 50 acres that I purpose to lay there in other divisions, equally among them and after my decease and (my) wife' all the movables and household stuffs with doors and cattle if there are any equally among them, only Lydia is to have my feather bed that I lye on with the furniture thereof over and above the rest. Item- I have given to my son Cordial by deed of gift 150 acres of land and 6 acres of meadow which is his portion. Item- I have given to my son Thomas Storrs, who I likewise constitute my sole executor, my home lott, pasture lott, horse barn and small divisions in a deed of gift, which I account his portion. ( Signed Samuel Storrs ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- From BIOLOGICAL RECORD OF TOLLAND AND WINDHAM COUNTIES CONNETICUT by Beers The information in this book duplicates what is said above. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Samuel, son of Thomas Storrs, was the immigrant ancestor born in Sutton Nottingham and baptized there 7 December 1640.In 1663 he came to Barnstable, Mass. and was admitted to the church there March 8, 1685. He removed to Mansfield in 1698 and died there April 3 in his seventy-ninth year.. He is buried in the old burying grounds in the South Parish the oldest cemetery in Tolland county. He was one of the original members of the Mansfield church The first deed of record in that part of Windham now Mansfield was given to Samuel Storrs by a number of Norwich men. He owned a number more of parcels of land. he was active in town affairs holding various offices and many of the first town meetings were held in his home A monument to his memory in 1879 by Charles Storrs.His will was dated 17 May 1717. He married 6 Dec. 1666 Mary Huckins of Barnstable born 1646 died 24 Sept 1683. She was a member of the Church in 1683. He married second 14 December 1685 Esther Agard, widow, who had a son John by her first marriage. ----------------------------------------------------------------- He is said to have been a large fine-looking man and all allusions to show him to have been prominent in civil and religious affairs in the town ----------------------------------------------------------------- From THE STORRS FAMILY by Charles Storrs. Items before are in the Mansfield Records. "At a town meeting held in the home of Samuel Storrs the 6 th day of November 1702 for the purpose of making arrangements for the settlement of a minister in the town of Mansfield " " At a town meeting held at Samuel Storrs Sr. it was voted that the common lands on the plain shall be enclosed annually for winter grain until the owners or a major part thereof shall order it otherwise " At a town meeting held at Samuel Storr's the 18 th day of March 1703 a committee was appointed to lay out 110 acres of land to each allotment" " At a town proprietor's meeting held 8 Dec. 1707 it was voted that Samuel Storrs see what the Proprietors will do to encouraging and settling a minister " "At a town meeting 14 March 24 1709 it was voted that Samuel Storrs be one of a committee to see about getting a minister which he declined " ---------------------------------------------------------------- From NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REGISTER VOL. 51 PG. 76. Samuel Storrs was one of the first families in Mansfield. Samuel Storrs's will is copied in the STORRS FAMILY. It was dated 22 May 1717 and recorded 7 July 1718 at Mansfield. In it he gives his 5 daughters, Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Lydia and Esther 160 acres divided equally among them. Samuel Storrs lived in Barnstable from 1663 to about 1700. ________________________________________________________ From GENEALOGICAL NOTES OF CAPE COD FAMILIES It says that Samuel Storrs died in Barnstable, Plymouth, Mass. while other books says he died at Mansfield, Conn. which are correct.
1698 - Samuel Storrs comes to Mansfield with two sons, Thomas and Samuel. He was one of the original proprietors of Mansfield.
1700 Samuel Storrs buys a house lot on Ponde Place
20 Oct 1703 Samuel Storrs Sr and jr are among others to receive the charter as proprietors of the town.
1726 Samuel Storrs Jr. named a selectman along with his half brother Thomas Storrs.
1759 Huckins Storrs 1 st. appointed one of three tavern keepers......
Samuel and his families are all buried in the Old Mansfield Cemetery on Storrs Road ( Rt 95 )
From his monument in the cemetery : Inscription on one side of memorial‘SAMUEL STORRS Fourth child of Thomas, baptized Dec 7, 1640 at Sutton-cum-Laud , Nottinghamshire, England from whence he emigrated to Barnstable, Mass about 1663. He was the first Storrs who came to America and from him nearly all of the name in this country descended. He married at Barnstablee, Mass, December 6, 1666, Mary, daughter of Thomas Huckens. She was born March 29, 1646 and died September 24, 1683. Secondly to Esther Egard, Dec. 14 1685 who died April 13, 1730 in the 89 th year of her age. He removed to Mansfield, Conn. in or before 1698 where he died April 30, 1719. Samuel Storrs and his wife Esther are buried under this monument. His three sons and many of his early descendants are buried in a line south of this."
Printed on another side of monument- This monument is erected in honor of and to perpetuate the memory of Samuel Storrs and his descendants by Charles Storrs 1879
Samuel, Immigrant
Samuel 2nd son of Samuel
Joseph son of Samuel 2 nd
Royal son of Joseph
Royal 2 nd son of Royal
Charles son of Royal 2 nd. Sarah daughter of Charles
She married David C. Proctor
Their children are
Charles Storrs, born in Peoria. Ill
Julia Meryett
Lavid Gould born 1880
Pondtown was incorporated as Mansfield Oct 1703 by the General Court. Samuel Storrs and Samuel Storrs Jr. were two of the original proprietors.
Printed on the side of the large monument in the old Mansfield Cemetery
" SAMUEL STORRS - Fourth child of Thomas, baptized December 7, 1640 at Sutton-cum-Lound, Nottinghamshire, England from whence he emigrated to Barnstable, Mass. about 1663. He was the first Storrs who came to America and from him nearly all of the name in this country descended. He married in Barnstable, Mass. dec 6 1666, Mary daughter of Thomas Huckens. She was born March 29, 1646 and died September 24, 1683, secondly to Esther Egard, December 14, 1683 who died April 13, 1730 in the 89 th year of
her age. He removed to Mansfield, Conn. in and before 1698 where he died April 30, 1719.
Samuel Storrs and his wife Esther are buried under this monument. His three sons and many of his early descendants are buried in a line south of this.
From A DIGEST OF EARLEY CONNETICUT PROBATE RECORDS VOL 11- A copy of the will of Samuel Storrs.
Birth29 Mar 1646, Barnstable,Barnstable,Mass.
Death24 Sep 1683, Barnstable,,Mass,USA
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Marriage6 Dec 1666, Barnstable,,Mass.
Birthabt 1641
Death13 Apr 1730, Mansfield,,Conn.
ReligionLDS B C I E SS SP
Marriage14 Dec 1685, Barnstable. MA