NameJohn A.J. Rooker 
Birth5 Nov 1820, Near Glasgow, Howard Co. Mo.
Misc. Notes
At the beginning of the Civil War he had fine property in Howard Co. including 1300 acres of land , 360 in cultivation and a large amount of personal property. This property was almost asperated at the wanton distruction of his property, Mr. Rooker shouldered his gun and went into the Southern Army sacrificed during the war. His horses, mules and corn ect. were confiscated by the Federals and at the end of the war he was a compatively poor man. At the end of the war he went to Iowa for a year and then returned to Howard Co. where, with the help of friends,bought 3300 acres of land and got a second start.At the lime of this writing he had a splendid tract of land and for 8 years was engaged in tobacco trade belween Glasgow and London. The firm is Rooker and Mason and do as large a business as any in Howard Co. He and his Lady are members of the Baptist Church. he and his first wife had two children. By his wife at the time of writing he had 11 childrn.
Mr Rooker deserves credit for the will and determination with which he has contended with ficle fortune and to his success may ge gathered a lesson, very important to young men, just beginning business.
From THE GLASGOW WEEKLY JOURNAL 19 Sept 1878 elected Judge of Election at Glasgow, 17 April 1879 Board of Diectors of Howard County Bank, 30 Oct 1879 One of business men who purchased the Glasgow/Salisbury RR. 21Dec1882 Daughter Miss Octavie married,
2 Aug1883 Rooker and Tatum partnership