NameJoseph Barton 
Birth1645, England
Deathabt 1711, Moreland Twp. Philadelphia Co, Pa
ReligionLDS B C I E
Misc. Notes
From Joseph Barton of Pennsylvania and New Jersey by Barbera Carver Smith 1997-He made his will,3 Oct 1711 Philadelphia Co,Pa. Will bool C, Pg 276, File 221.
Made 3 Oct 1711 prvd Nov 1711. His will left 1/4 of his estate after settling bills to each of his minor children and 1/4 th to his wife. The children’s share was to be preserved with interest till they bacame adults and then gven to them. His wife was to be Executrix of the estate.
Deathaft 3 Oct 1711
ReligionLDS B C I E SP