NameJoseph Barton 
Birthabt 1690, Moreland Twp. Phila.Pa,
Deathbef 19 Aug 1778, New Britian Twp Bucks Co. Pa
ReligionLDS B C I E SP
Misc. Notes
His will written in 1777 and proved Aug 19,1778. In his will he had a wife, Elizabeth, 3 sons, Joe, Thomas and Benjamin, five daughters, Hannah, Mary Stuart, Sussannah Evans , Ann Weaver and Amey Barton, 3 grandchildren from dec’d daughter Elizabeth Ewers, Nary,Rebecca and Joseph Ewers
From JOSEPH BARTON OF PENNSYLVANOA AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY by Barbara Carver Simith 1997- Joseph and Thomas Barton came to Bucks Co. with Uncle Shewell in 1729. He purchased on 23 Mar 1753 50 acres of land lying along the southwest side of Lime Kilm Road in New Britian Twp. where he lived until he died in 1778.
His will was made 17 June 1777 and filed 19 Aug 1778. Bucks Co. Pa. Will Book 3 Pg 454 , File 1575, Made 17 June 1777, prvd 19 Aug 1778. It divided all his estate to his wife and his children in various amounts.