NameAmariah Alpheus Gustin 
Birth1784, Morgantown, Monongalia Co. WV
DeathAug 1865, Cave In The Rock IL
ReligionLDS B C I E SP
Misc. Notes
In 1814 from May to June he served as a private 3d Reg’t Virginia Artillery in Capt. Samuel Kennedy’s Co. The company was raised in part of Monongalia Co. Abt. 1814 to 1816 he and his wife settled near Vevay, Switzerland Co. IN. where they lived for many years and had all of their 4 children.They finally removed to Cave-In-Rock, Hardin Co. IL. The Hardin Co Courthouse burned to the ground in 1884. All records destroyed.They are in the 1830/40/50 census of Posey Twp. Switzerland Co and in the 1860 and 1870 census in Hardin Co.