NameAshbel Gustin 
Birth1775, Florida, OrAnge Co, N.J.
Deathabt 1815, KY
ReligionLDS B C I E SP
Misc. Notes
Information from Bruce A. Gustin He was probably born in Berkeley Co. WV and the first Gustin in Greenup, KY. Daniel Boone lived a short distance away at one time.
4 May 1797 Ashel Augustin summoned to Monongalia Co. District Court to testify in behalf of Abraham Harden.
16 June 1800 He bought 92 acres on Scott;s Mill Run, Monongalia Co. WV
Oct 18 1800 Ashbel was executor of his father’s estate in Morgantown.
Administrator’s bond for Ashbel Gustin for the estate of Alpheus Gustin deceased secured by Thomas Wade and William Postle, 15 Oct 1800 - 117-1800 Monongalia Co. estate papers.
in 1801 ENS Ashbell Gustin was in a list of officers in 76 th Regt. VA Malitia
From WILEY’S HISTORY OF MONONGALIA COUNTY- Benjamin Chestney was a Revolutionary War solder in the South and came to Rockingham Co, VA and settled on Gustin Run, a branch of Scotts Run and lived and died there.
The Methodist Protestant has three churches in the district, one at Cassville, one at Naidsville and the other on Gustin Run ( a branch of Scott’s Run) near Stumptown.
in 1810 Census in Harrison Co. WV was listed with a wife a son and 4 daughters.
in 1818 He sold some land on Scott’s Mill Run.