NameJoseph Crandall Rev. 
Birthabt 1661, NEWPORT,,R.I.,U.S.A.
Death12 Sep 1737, NEWPORT,,R.I.,U.S.A.
ReligionLDS SP SS
Misc. Notes
He was an ordained minister of the Seventh Day Baptist Church in Newport, R.I. 8 May 1715. He married a second wife but name not listed on the computer at the FHL in Mesa.the book BURDICK GENEALOGY says that his mother was Elizabeth Crandall. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England He was the son of Elder John Crandall and married Deborah daughter of Robert Burdick. He was ordained 8 May 1715 and died 12 Sept. 1737. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The above information is confirmed in The Compndium of Amerivan Genealogy ---------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Crandall was chosen Westerly Town Councilman on 20 April 1704 but refused to serve. I have two page summary of his service to the SDB Church from the Seventh Day Baptist Church headquarters in Janesville, Wisc. I with briefly summarize.- He was the third pastor of the SDB Church in Newport, R.!. He had been a good church worker for years. He was church treasurer for many years and even after the Westerly Church was set aside. He was a deacon and performed baptisms before the Westerly church seperated but was not a pastor. Even though separated from the Newport Church he was used frequently and the relationship was friendly. When the Newport pastor, Eld. Gibson, died he was made pastor of that church The following is a quote " Mr. Crandall was an unpretending but industrious man. He had not the learning of his venerable predecessor, but a sound and faithful preacher of the gospil, strict in his discipline yet courteous to all. Having a large and expensive family, he was poor. Yet the liberality of the members of the congregation was sufficiently manifest for his comfort" ----------------------------------------------------------------- From REPREENTATIVE MEN AND OLD FAMILIES OF RHODE ISLAND- Newport Public Library. Rev, Joseph Crandall the fifth son of Rev. John born in Newport probably in 1661 and is on record there as a resident as late as 1737 when he died. He was a minister of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. He is known to have moved from Westerly, R.I. to Kingstown in 1712 and to Newport seven years later. he married Deborah Burdick and of their children there is record of only one, a son Joseph. From page 1812 Elder Joseph Crandall son of Elder John married ( first ) Deborah Burdick and was of Newport, Westerly, Kingstow, Newport respectively. Mr. Crandall befame a very useful man and filled the desk in the church at Newport to the great satisfaction of its members for many years. He was called to the office of Elder there and ordained May 8, 1715. During his administration the church was at the height of its prosperity. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY OF RHODE ISLAND by John O. Austin 1685 April 11 His wife was baptized by Rev. William Hiscocx. 1709 He had a daughter baptized ( wife of Nathaniel Wells ) 1704 April 20 Westerly, he was chosen town councilman but to serve. 1712 Kings Town he moved there this year. 1713 March 24 He deeded 100 acres in Westerly to son John of that town.1715 May 9 Newport. He was called to pasterate of Seventh Day Baptist Church being coleague with William Gibson till the latters death ( 1717 ). The charge was given by Elder Gibson from 1 st Epistle Peter, 5 th chapter. -----------------------------------------------------------------
Birth1665, Westerly,Washington,R.I.,U.S.A.
Death1692, Westerly,Washington,R.I.,U.S.A.
ReligionLDS B E SP SS
Marriageabt 1681, Westerly,Washington Co.,R.I.
ChildrenJohn (~1682-1767)