NameElkanah Fuller Gustin 
Birth15 Sep 1769, ,Sussex Co.,N.J.,U.S.A.
DeathNov 1847, Anderson,,Madison Co.,Indiana,U.S.A.
Misc. Notes
He had 15 children by his first wife, Hannah Morris. They were John Colby, Benejah,Jonathan,Eli,Samuel Morris,Levi, Thomas ,Margaret,Rachael.Perninnie,Hannah,Jane,Permelia,Ann and William. He then went to Indiana and married Nancy Tyra and they had 11 more ( No Names) He had 26 children in all.Inforation from THE SHANNON GENEALOGY Index 2 Pg 568. Mesa LDS Library SH1.He came to Warren Co Ohio in 1800 from Green Co, Penna.. All located on a section on land at Red Lion, Ohio, a wild and uninhabitated area.He moved to Anderson, Indiana in 1825 and lived there till his death in 1848 I have a family group sheet on the 26 children in my files. -----------------------------------------------------------------
Birth9 Aug 1779, Penn.
Death13 Feb 1849, Wilmington, Clinto Co, OH
BurialFamily plot,Sugar Tree Cemet,Wilmington,Clinton Co.Oh.
Marriage22 Sep 1796, Greene Co. PA.