NameRichard Warren ![](../img/i_tree.png)
Birthabt 1580, London,,England
Death1628, Plymouth,Plymouth,Mass
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
He came to America, his wife and five daughters were left in England but came over later. They also had 2 sons. The daughters were married in America He was the twelfth signer of the Mayflower Compact.. From- EUROPEAN PROGENITORS AND MAYFLOWER ANCESTORS BY MARY SWAIN FULLER-RICHARD WARREN WAS BORN ABOUT 1580 IN LONDON ENGLAND. HE WAS ONE OF THOSE WHO CAME TO THE NEW WORLD ON THE MAYFLOWER IN 1620. RICHARD WAS A WELL-TO-DO-MERCHANT IN LONDON, ENGLAND. HE WAS 40 YEARS OLD AT THE TIME HE CAME TO AMERICA. HIS WIFE, ELIZABETH, CAME TO MASS. IN 1623 WITH THE FIVE DAUGHTERS MARY, ELIZABETH, ANN ,SARAH AND ABRIGAIL. THEIR SON JOSEPH WAS BORN IN PLYMOUTH IN 1626. RICHARD DIED IN 1626 AT THE AGE OF 48. Among those allotted land in 1623 was Richard Warren who was given " 5 acres on the other side of town towards the Eele River.When the livestock was divided in 1627 he was among the persons given a share. He was the 12 th signer of the Mayflower Compact and was in the First Encounter with the Indians at Great Meadow Creek Dec 8 1620 _________________________________________________________ The following from Mayflower Families of Progress- Richard Warren of the Mayflower by Robert Wakefield and Others.:" In a Codicil to his will dated 16 July 1667, Nathaniel Warren mentions his mother, Elizabeth Warren , His brother, Joseph Warren and his sisters Mary Bartlett Sr.,Anne Little, Sarah Cook, Elizabeth Church and Abigail Snow. _______________________________________________________ From Mayflower Source Records by G B Roberts " Three of the wives of the signers were left in Europe, Namely, Bridgett, wife of Dr. Samuel Fuller, Hester, wife of Francis Cooke, and Elizabeth, wife of Richard Warren. These afterwards came over on the ANN in 1623. ________________________________________________________ From Mourt's Relation- a Journal of the Pilgrims of Plymouth by J D Fiore-Richard Warren, whom Bradford describes as " an useful instrument, and during his lifetime bore a deep share of the difficulties and troubles of the first settlement of the plantation, He died in 1628". _______________________________________________________ From THE MAYFLOWER AND HER LOG-by Azel Ames M.D.. It is proven that Richard Warren was on the Mayflower from London to Southampton. Richard Warren was probably from Kent or Essex. Surprisingly, little is known of his antecedents, former occupation, Ect. Of general interest. The young age of the Mayflower leaders is surprising. Only two of the leaders were over 50 and of them Governor Carver died early. Of the principal men only nine could have been over 40 and of these Carver, Chilton,Martin, Mullins and Priest died within a few months of landing, leaving Brewster, Warren ( who died early ) Cooke and Hopkins both under 40 as seniors. John Alden was 21, Winslow at 25 and Dr. Fuller at 30 Bradford was only 31 when chosen Governor, Allerton at 32 and Captain Standish at 36. Another entry- Richard Warren, as he had a wife and five pretty well grown daughters, must have been forty five or more when he came over. It is suggested to have been from Essex.His birthplace, Occupation and ancestry are unknown but he appears to have been of the Leyden congregation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families 1620-1700 Richard, Mayflower Passenger, merchant at Greenwich, County of Kent, England. --------------------------------------------------------------- From the Fuller Family by Jean Fuller Butler There were only 35 pilgrims on the Mayflower that came from Leyden, Holland and they were listed as Saints, the people who joined in England were called Strangers and the people hired to go to help were called Hired Hands and then there were Servants. Richard Warren was a rich merchant who joined in England and was a Stranger at first. John Alden was a cooper and was a Hired Hand to make sure that the barrels held up. Richard Warren was assistant governor from 1624 to 1628. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From the Planters of the Commonwealth 1620-1680 by Charles Edward Banks- Half of the passengers died the first winter. They arrived in the fall when everything was brown and no fresh fruits or vegetables were available. They had lived on salted or dried meat for months. It was after a year or two that they finally discovered that the illness was scurvy and caused by the lack of fresh foods. The Mayflower weighted 200 tons and Christefor Jones was the master. It left Southampton August 5, 1620, and arrived in Cape Cod Dec. 11, 1620 with 101 passengers. It was detained in Dartmouth and Plymouth England because of the Speedwell. The Speedwell was to accompany the Mayflower on the trip but was out to sea when it proved not seaworthy and the two returned. After some time, the Speedwell did not continue and the passengers were shuffled leaving some of the original passengers of either ship behind. Included in the final list was Richard Warren-of London-Merchant. His family did not accompany him but most came later. In 1623 the ship. Ann .with William Pierce as Master arrived in Plymouth 10 June, 1623 with 60 passengers included in the passenger list were Mrs Elizabeth Warren- wife of Richard Warren and their children Marry Warren, Elizabeth Warren, Anne Warren, Sarah Warren and Abigail Warren. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER Vol 1-50 The landing of the Pilgrims was on Dec. 11, 1620 An exploring party of 18 men who had left the Mayflower at Cape Cod five days before and spent the Sabbath at Clark's Island landed that day and marched that day into the land..The party consisted of 12 Pilgrams and members of the crew. One of the twelve was Richard Warren. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From THE STORY OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS by Edward Arber Pg 355 in chapter entitled Who Were The Pilgrims? One paragraph says " Richard Warren and John Billington and his family who came from London " Pg 360 in chapter Passengers in the Mayflower. There was an epidemic the first winter that killed almost half of the pilgrims. "The almost entire destruction of the wives is a most affecting fact. Did they sacrifice themselves for their children? For none of the daughters died and the three sons who died were in two families where all the parents, there present, also died.'' " four other families entirely escaped the infection" Master Richard Warren a family of one was included. Pg 371 in the chapter on Passengers in the Mayflower. Master Richard Warren " He came from London. His wife and children were left behind and came afterwards. His wife came over to him by whom he had two sons before he died and one of them is married and hath two children. But he had five daughters more who came over with his wife who all are married and living ( 1650 ) and have many children. He died at Plymouth, N.E. in 1628", Pg 384 The number of acres to each one. Richard Warren 2 acres. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From SIGNERS OF THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT by Annie Arnoux Huxton Pt.1 The ancestors of Richard Warren are not known for sure.There were too many Warrens at the time to get a clear picture. It is known that he was a merchant from London and that he came alone on the Mayflower in 1620 and his wife and children followed on the Ann in 1623. He survived the first sickness, living to greet his wife and daughters and dying in 1628. He earned the title of Mr. and Bradford said that he " was a most useful man,during the short time he lived, bearing a deep share of the difficulties and troubles of the plantation. The girls married active men in the colony. Two of his descendants were General James Warren, the Revolutionary officer and president of the Provincial Congress of Mass. Also a General Joseph Warren of Bunker Hill fame. --------------------------------------------------------------- From THE FAITH OF THE PILGRIMS by Robert M. Bartlett Richard Warren, a London merchant, arrived on the Mayflower, his wife, Elizabeth, came with her five daughters on the Anne in 1623. The Warrens had two sons in Plymouth, the largest family in the early days of the plantation. " Grave Richard Warren " died in 1628, but his wife carried on and became the resourceful matriarchal head of a large and successful family. Warren was involved in the early exploration and development of the settlement and served as assistant governor. His wife and sons were active in the church and community. Bradford called Warren a useful instrument. Nathaniel Morton wrote that Warren during his life bore a deep share of the difficulties and troubles of the first settlement of the Plantation of New Plymouth. ---------------------------------------------------------------- From NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER VOL 1 PG51 - Richard Warren came on the Mayflower without family. Pg 53 Three of the wives of the signers were left in Europe, Bridget, wife of Dr Samuel Fuller,Hester, wife of Francis Cooke, and Elizabeth, wife of Richard Warren. These afterwards came over on thee ANN in 1623.
Birthabt 1580
Death22 Oct 1673, Plymouth,,Mass.
Burial24 Oct 1673
ReligionLDS B C I E SS
Marriagebef 1611, London,,England