NameDavid Chamberlain
Birth15 Jul 1819, Marcy,Oneida Co,N.Y.,U.S.A.
Death21 Jan 1892, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co. CA
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
David Chamberlain was a cousin of our orphaned Thomas Cady and Thomas was staying with David’s parents, Hachaliah and Hannah Chamberlain, when his parents were killed by milk fever. Hannah Delano was a sister of Elizabeth Delano, wife of Thomas Cady. The two seemed to have grown very close, rumored to have been in Louisiana together, to have started to Oregon together and later were in Northern California together. We really have no record of him except that he was a rover like Thomas.
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A California Historical and Biographical Index Pg 311 says that David Chamberlain crossed the plains with the Chicago Co. and arrived in Oregon 3 Oct 1847. Thomas Cady arrived in Oregon Oct.7, 1847 with the Vaughn party. Lore has it that Thomas Cady was in another party, became ill, and ended up with the Vaughn party where he met Elizabeth Michael his future wife. -----------------------------------------------------------------
The Oregon Census of Marion Co. shows him in the household of Louis Hunphrey, aged 30, born in New York.
The Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, Oregon 30 June 1855 published that David Chamberlain was married to Miss Martha A, Cooper on 19 June 1855 by Jesse Cox esq. Lane Co Oregon. _________________________________________________________ _
A book , THE STORY OF EUGENE written by the Wilkins sisters had this statement on pages 260-61 says that Thos. Cady was a man who crossed the plains in 1847 with David Chamberlain, a Californian. They were members of the Willamette Forks Republican Party. The 1856 minutes of the party noted that the organization thought that slavery should be stopped. _________________________________________________________ _
Volume 1, Genealogical Material on Donation Land Claim records " David Chamberlain and Martha A., Oregon City, # 452 161.20 Acres, township 17S Range 6 W Sect. 30, Lane Co. Born 1819, Oneida Co, N.Y. arrived in Oregon 1854. Settled claim 12 Jan 1855, Married June 19 1855, Lane Co. _________________________________________________________ _
Dr. Lee Cady found thhe following record of David Chamberlain which he edited and recorded as following. David Chamberlain was born in Deerfield, Oneida Co. N.Y. 15 July, 1819 He made no mention or ever working on the Erie Canal or Ohio River Steamboats or elsewhere with Thomas Cady. He notes that after wandering through Louisiana, Mississippi and Ohio that he wintered in Missouri 1846-47 and departed May 9, 1847 to arrive in Oregon 3 Oct. 1847. He had been with the Chicago Co. He reveals that he was pretty well acquainted with California. In 1848 he went to California and mined on the Feather River getting provisions at Sutter's Fort. He then went to the American River as a miner, then to Kelsey's dry diggings later called Oregon City and then to Hang town later called Placerville. He returned to Oregon 3 Feb 1849. Then in April 1849 he returned to California by ox team. He returned to Oregon in 1850. In 1851 he went East and returned in 1854 again crossing the plains. In 1857 he came to Sonona Co, California. This is where Petaluna is and where he was in 1862 when his mother died. Santa Rosa is the County Seat and he has been a permanent resident there before the interview was recorded. He visited the Sandwich Islands 1n 1864 returning he went to N.Y. by Panama in 1871 again returning to California by the Central Pacific Railroad
-----------------------------------------------------------------Records Archive Sheets, FHL, Salt Lake City, Submitted by Mary Maurine Porter, P.O. Box 297 Clearfield, Utah. Family bible of John Cooper held by Mrs Etta C. Walker. 1860 census of Sonoma Co. CA and Lane Co. Or.
Birth7 Jun 1830, DuPage Co., IL
Death17 Jan 1911
ReligionLDS SS
Marriage19 Jun 1855, Corvallis,,Oregon,U.S.A.