NameIota Talbott
Birth1876, Hilboro, Oregon
DeathJul 1964
ReligionLDS Baptized, Endowed, Sealed to Husband , Emmanuel Hubartt and Parents, Richard Talbott and Celiann Ryan
Misc. Notes
Married Emmanuel Hubartt. We met her and her husband when they lived in Denver shortly before they died. We visited them a couple of times. They were very friendly and their son, Earl, lived with us for about two years. Uncle Earl was a great favorite of our children and was a perfect house guest.
Birthabt 1872, Denver, Colo
Deathabt 1960, DebverColo.
ReligionLDS Baptized,Endowed,Sealed to Wife, Iota V Talbott and Sealed to parents, William Hubartt/Mary Ann Hart