NameCol Josiah Willard 
Birthabt 1693
Misc. Notes
From THE HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF LANCASTER by Rev Abajah P. Martin- One time he was a captain and led expeditions agains the Indians as a young man. When a cmmander was needed at Ft. Drummer he was sent to the post and was there for 15 years. At one time he had 4 sons under him as officers at Ft. Drummer. This would be frowned upon today He died on a journey from home in his 58 th year. He was a man of high character and in his private abd public capacity sustained a goon reputation, He was a person of superior natural powers, of a happy and agreeable temper of mind, a faithful friend, one who paid singular regard to ministers of the gospel, a kind husband and tender parent, He was a great loss.
From THE HISTORY OF COLONIAL LANCASTER by Marion Fuller Safford. Captain Josiah Wllard , brother of Captain Samuel, commanded a company under Samuel. Later he became a Col. in the French and Indian War.