NameAbram MacCoone 
BurialOld Hopkinton C.,,R.I.
Misc. Notes
He was a tanner and currier of leather. He also preached in the Seventh Day Baptist Church at Meeting House Bridge which from 1680 to 1852 stood at the site of the now First Hopkinton Cemetery.. The cemetery is on route three to Westerly. There is a monument to the twelve first pastors of the Seventh Day Baptist Church of America. One of the names was Abram Coon One of the stones near the monument bears the name of Prudence, Wife of A. Coon 1763 to 1821 ----------------------------------------------------------------- From The Macoone and Coon Families of Westerly and Hopkinton by Charles W Farnham He was an elder in the Seventh Day Baptist Church in Hopkinton, R.I. and died in 1813 and is buried in the old Hopkinton Cemetery near meeting house Road on Nooseneck Hill Road. His wife Prudence Edwards Coon is buried there also.
BurialOld Hopkinton C.,,R.I.