NameEunice Freeman
Birth23 Jun 1794
Death15 Nov 1855
BurialNew Storrs Cemetery
ReligionLDS SS
Misc. Notes
From THE STORRS FAMILY by Charles Storrs Mrs Eunice Freeman Storrs was of average heigth and, like her husband, inclined to stoutness. In complexion eyes and hair she was dark like most of the Freeman family and her face had the nobleness and serenity never to be forgotten by those who knew her, She always saw the sunny side of life and was full of brightness and cheer and ready to give a lively humorous turn to passing events.She and her husband took a little journey together and lost the way in the dark woods. Mr. Storrs was much troubled for a while lest they should not easily find the road the sun being out of sight. Soon, however they saw the arly-risen moon and shortly found the right path and reached their destination in safety. This incident was never forgotten and a few days before her death when her husband stood by her bed in great sadness, she smiled and said. " don't be downcast if we can't see the sun we'll see the moon. A day or two before her death she whisperingly said " the clouds have passed away " and her countenance even in death indicated her peaseful end.
Birth7 Apr 1793
Death25 Mar 1861, Mansfield,,Conn
BurialNew Storrs Cemetery
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS