NameJoseph Billington
Birthbef 1637, Plymouth,Plymouth,Mass
Death1685/1692, Block Island,,R.I.
Misc. Notes
From THE BOWMAN FILES Mass Soc of Mayflower Desc. Billington, Vol 2 Pg 68 4 July, 1643 " Where as JOSEPH THE SONN of Francis Billington according to the order of the Court, was by the town of Plymouth placed with John Cooke, the younger, and hath since been ??? and did depart his master's service. The Court, after long hearing of all that can be said or alledged by his parents doth order and appoynt that the said Joseph be returned to his said master again immediately, and shall remain with him during his term " Vol 3 pg 127 Feb 2, 1657 JOSEPH BILLINGTON on complaint of Sergeant James Shaw, Samuel Fuller and Edward ???" Neglecting to pay some small debts owing them On inquiry and information is known to be a known idle and neglegent person ordered to take himself an honest employment." Vol 3 pg 203 Feb 5 1661 " Upon complaint of John Barnes against JOSEPH BILLINGTON for deglecting to pay his debt of 35 shillings , the said Billington not appearing according to summons being lame. An order was sent to him requiring him to satisfy the said debt." Vol IV Pg 69 " June 8 1664 Concerning a gun attached by James Cole Sr. belonging to JOSEPH BILLINGTON the Court ordered that said gun be returned for as much as it duth appear that all that the said Bellington had ay 20 was bound over onto John Barnes before the attachment was laid on the said gun." Vol IV pg 13 7 "Oct 31, 1666 JOSEPH BILLINGTON ordered to pay Edward Eay for wrong done to his swine and fence. Hunting with a dog." JOSEPH BILLINGTON to give satisfaction to an Indian called Sampson if he indeth himself aggrevied concerning a hogg. John Howland put under 10 lbs to appear and answer mor misdemenior toward JOSEPH BELLINGTON by striking and otherwise abusing him. JOSEPH BILLINGTON under 20 lbs to appear to answer for his misdemeaning himself on the 30 th day of October at the house of Eyles Richard VolVII Pg 124 Oct 3 1665. Mr John Barnes complained against JOSPEH BILLINGTON in an action of the case . The jury find for the plaintiff his debt of 29 shillings and one shilling damage for the cost of the suite. ----------------------------------------------------------------- He married a Grace ??? 16 Dept 1672 in New Shoreham R.I.