NameJohn Crandall 
Birthabt 1649, NEWPORT,NEWPORT,R.I.,U.S.A.
Misc. Notes
From Genealogical Dictionary of The First settlers of New England.He married Elizabeth Groton daughter of Samuel Groton and because of his beliefs he was imprisoned at Boston for a Baptist beliefs at Newport in 1655 He moved to Westerly and preached at the 7 day Baptist Church and died in 1676. From another source he was listed as a blacksmith. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From REPRESENTATIVE MEN AND OLD FAMILIES OF RHODE ISLAND by Newport Public Library. John Crandall son of Elder John married June 18, 1672 Elizabeth Groton daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Groton and was of Newport and Kings Town. Mr Crandal was a blacksmith by trade and occupation. He was a freeman in 1671. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY OF RHODE ISLAND-John O. Austin He was a blacksmith 1671 He was a freeman 1678 He ( calling himself son and heir of John Crandall of Newport deceased ) for natural love of two brothers Jeramiah and Eber Crandall now resident of Newport and in tuition of their mother, Hannah Crandall, have confirmed upon them a certain house, formerly the mansion house of my father, Jphn Crandall, together wth two hundred acresthereto belonging,lying and being in Westerly with garden and orchard ect. 1682 Dec 12. He sold to George Lawton Jr. of Freeman's land, New Plymout, certain lands in Narragausett for 40 punds. 1704 Jan. 25 will proved 14 Aug 1704 his wife Elizabeth was exx. Overseers brother Peter Crandall, friend Job Babcockand son-in-law Stephen Wilcox. To son John he having had already.To son Peter wesernmost farm that I now dwell on. To son Samuel rest of land and housing. To Daughter Elizabeth Wilcox 5 pounds, To daughter Mary Phillips five pounds. To wife, Elizabeth, all movables and whole use of all lands till sons Peter and Samuel are of age. ( Inventory Followed ) -----------------------------------------------------------------
From CRANDALL GENEALOGY - by E.G.Davis He and Elizabeth Gorton had five children,John,Peter,Samuel. Elizabeth and Mary.
Birth1646, Warwick,,R.I.,U.S.A.
Deathaft 1704
ReligionLDS B C I E
Marriage18 Jun 1672, Warwick,,R.I.,U.S.A.