NamePaschal R. Royce
Birth10 Mar 1828, Syracuse,,N.Y.,U.S.A.
Death22 May 1877, Sioux City,,Iowa,U.S.A.
ReligionLDS B C I E
Misc. Notes
He owned a cracker factory and several boats in the Lake at Detroit. The he moved to Omaha and Sioux City, Iowa and Keokuk where he owned milling and pork packing business. He died a horrible death with Bright's disease. The obituary said that the pain was so bad that even with morphine, people could hear him scream from the street. ----------------------------------------------------------------- OBITUARY-Paschel P. Royce. Died in Soux City, Iowa, Tuesday, May 20- 1877 at 6:30 A.M. of Bright's disease Paschal P. Royce aged 49 years 2 month and 12 days. ( Detroit and Keokuk papers only ) The above notice chronicles the death of a highly respected citizen and an estimable man. the sad event had been anticipated for the disease had so undermined his system that there was no longer any hope for his recovery. The terrible agony he has suffered has made his death seem to come more as a relief to him, and in that aspect the affliction upon the family has been somewhat tempered. but no consideration can wipe away the grief which the hearts of his loved ones feel when they relize that never again in this world will his tender hand be laid upom their heads, nor his helping arm around them. P.P. Royce was born in Syracuse, N.Y. March 10 1828 which made him at the time of his death in hsi fifthiet year of his age. But when a chld his parents removed to Detroit, Mich. where he lived for about 25 years, during which time he operated a large steam cracker manufactory and also owned and ran several vessels upon the lakes. Sept 16, 1849 he married Miss Ann Eliza L, daughter of Hon. H. Langley, one of the most prominent and wealthy citizens of Detroit, who with five of the six children born of them, is left to morn the loss of a most affectionate husband and father. In 1855 he removed to Keokuk where he engaged in pork packing and the manufacture of crackers by which he secured a comfortable fortune. He removed to Omaha in 1866 and then to Sioux City in 1868 engaged in both crackers, a contracter, builder and mill owner. At the time of his death he was one of the government inspectors of this point. Since taking his residence in Sioux City he was affected with the disease which finally resulted in his death. Its first manifestation having been in 1869. The most serious attacks of the malady have been within the past 10 weeks during most of the time he has been confined to his room and bed at it's severity. The last hours of his life were relieved by administrating opiates but immediately previous to that time he suffered unimaginable tortures, his shrieks heard by any who passed the house. But this is now in the past, and the spirit which suffered so while in the flesh has gone to the perfect peace promised by God. Mr. Royce went down into the valley of the dark shadows with the utmost confidence that all will be well with him in the great hereafter and upon the countenance, since death, there rests such a peaceful smile that it seems that he must be simply sleeping. The death of Mr. Royce makes two deep afflictions through which his burdened wife has had to pass within the past three months, her sister. Mrs Louise a A. Leech, having died at her home the 23 rd of Febuary. Leaving her and the children was the only regret her husband had in leaving life. The funeral will lake place at 8 o'clock this afternoon from the Baptist church. the ceremonies will be conducted by Sioux City lodge no. 164 I.O.O.F. of which the deceased was a charter member. All the friends of the familly are invited to be present. -----------------------------------------------------------------
Birth19 Feb 1839, Rochester, England
ReligionLDS B C I E SP