NameIsrael Boone ![](../img/i_tree.png)
Birth20 May 1726, New Britain Twp.,Bucks Co,Pa
Death26 Jun 1756
ReligionLDS B C I E SP
Misc. Notes
From BOONE FAMILIES IN DAVIE CO.N.C. He died at the age of 30 and was buried near the present Mocsville. There is no know tradition or reference to his being buried in the old Joppa cemetery. He had 4 children, two sons and two daughters, and that the two daughters contracted consumption from their mother and died young. After Israel's death two of the four children were reared by Daniel and Rebecca Boone and two by other members of the family. There is no known record of his owning land in Davie County but he may have lived on Squire Boons's tracts. Pg 10 Sept 1, 1775. From RECORDS OF THE MORAVIANS Vol 1 Pg 137." the consumptive Israel Boone, son of Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan Boone, was taken home by his brother, who came for him last evening. He - Mr Boone - returned on the 6 th., accompanied by his father, who remained overnight. On the fifteenth his brother came for him once more and he left, there being little hope of his recovery" A previous statement would indicate that he came for treatment on August 26, 1755." ----------------------------------------------------------------- Boone Discussion Group - He and his wife and supposedly two daughters died of consumption.
He was testified against at Exeter, Burks Co. Pa. for marrying out.
-------------------------------------------------------------- From DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL BOONE by Alice H. Boone -The Boones belonged toTHE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS and they kept good records but Isreal ( Married out ) and the marriage was disapproved and her name not mentioned.. Captain Samuel Boone says that Israel Boone died in North Carlina when about 30 years old leaving four children, two boys and two girlis, born in 1748, 1750,1752 and in 1754.
MarriageDec 1747, Exeter,Berks Co.,Pa.