NameJohn BARTON Wilcox 
Birth28 Jul 1851, Linneus,Linn Co,Missouri,U.S.A.
Death10 Feb 1887
Burial12 Feb 1887, Old Cemetery,Linneus,Linn Co,Missouri
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
A good amount of the following materials came from History of Linn Co. Buried in the old Linneus Cemetery in a plot at the east edge and not with his Wilcox family. His two year old daughter, Laura, is buried by him. As I remember his stone was like a tree like the Woodman lodge uses. From the history of Linn Co 1882 ,A lawyer in Linneus from 1874. He edited the Linneus Bulletin and was elected a probate judge.He had been Chairman of the Democratic Co. Committee Taken from the History of Linn Co, Mo. Pg 875." John B. Wilcox, of Linneus, was born on Linn County, Missouri, July 28, 1851. Began study of law with George W. Easley, at Linneus, in 1873, and was admitted in 1874. He opened a separate office in Linneus; has been in successsful practice there ever since. In 1878 he was elected Judge of the Linn County Probate Court which office he holds at the present time." He was very influential in the Democratic Party Judge Wilcox was married on the 21 st of October 1880 to Miss Carrie Williams of Louisville, Kentucky. They have one daughter born in 1881. He is a member of the secret orders, Freemason, Odd Fellow and Ancient Order of United Workmen. Judge Wilcox presents a career of which any young man might be proud, for although young in years he has thus early achieved a success that bespeaks of him a most brilliant future. Still he has only what any young man of pluck, energy and ability may do but who ALAS few of them actually accomplish. HE DIED AT THE AGE OF 35 OF TUBERCULOSIS AND IS BURIED BY HIS TWO YEAR OLD DAUGHTER NEAR THE EAST FENCE OF THE OLD LINNEUS CEMETERY.
ReligionLDS SS
ChildrenLaura (1881-1883)