NameJohn D. Gustin MD. 
Birth22 Jan 1798, Blue Lick,Fleming Co.,Ky
Death27 Jul 1876, Louisville,Adams Co.,Ohio,U.S.A.
BurialJul 1876, Louisville Cem,Adams Co,Ohio,U.S.A.
ReligionLDS B C I E SP SS
Misc. Notes
MARRIED HANNAH SCOTT OTHER RECORDS SAY THAT IT WAS SUSAN SCOTT OR SUSANNAH SCOTT..Adams Co. Newspaper Accounts say that John was made Guardian of Amos Gustins minor children in 20 Aug 1931. GATEWAY TO THE WEST Vol. # 1, Mesa LDS Library.LDS COMPUTER SAYS WAS BORN 22 JAN 1797. He had 8 children.Other source said was born in 1799. Due to the above information, he was the guardian of our Bennajah Gustin. He founded the town of Louisville, Adams Co, Ohio. He laid out the town but nothing remains except a Methodist Church and a cemetery which is predominately Gustin and Gustins and he is buried here. Gustins live in most of the houses near. One person said that she had his dental instruments as the Dr. was also dentist and what was needed. The postoffice and stores are gone. He was Justice of Peace in Bratton Township four - two year terms between 1886 and 1898.
Marriage is in marriage book No. 2 in Adams Co. Ohio. Married 19 March 1818 by D. Kirkpatrick, Got license 11 March, 1818
From Wilma Ash who has a lot of Gustin genealogy. His practice covered a large part of Adams Co.,Scioto Co., Pike Co. and Highland Co. He lived on a farm in Braton Township,Adams Co Ohio which was a part of his father's original purchase. In 1863 he laid out a town site on his farm and called it Louisville. A postoffice was formed and called Gustin. At one time Louisville contained a blacksmith shop,Postoffice, store and Methodist Church. He had entries in Amos Gustin's bible listing only brothers and sisters. John Bratton Gustin says that his father, John, had 14 children 7 boys and 7 girls-some of whom died in infancy. This family was noted by John Bratton in 1886 and he should know being a member. Minerva Bushnell, who is a descendant, and did a lot of genealogy work, says that the family bible of Amos and John Gustin lists only 8 children by``Susannah Scott. I will list these children as listed in bible but there is room for several children between child 4 and five and seven and eight.
From a History of Adams Co.- Louisville-This was laid out by Dr. John Gustin, December 3, 1838 on a plot of eleven acres of land, divided into 40 lots. Lacey Peyton started the first store in the village. A post office was established named Gustin, with James McAdow as postmaster. It has long since been annulled and the village site turned into farm lands. The church and Cemetery is all that remains. I visited there in the mid 90’s -----------------------------------------------------------------
John was born in the log cabin home of his parents. He was educated in the schools near his home before he traveled east to attend the College of Medicine in Philadelphia. He married Susannah Scott and they settled on a 1000 acre tract of land near May Hill in Adams Co. It was part of the land granted to his father for his services in the Revolution
He learned to treat disease with herbs and he took up medicine as his life’s work. He established a large practice with an office in his home at May Hill. Later he had a laboratory where he compounded most of his medicines. He succeeded in treating diseases by Indian methods and did an intense study of biology, earning him the name of ROOT DOCTOR
The Ohio census of 1850 lists John (52) Susannah (59) and three children Rebecca (13), Dalahalah (10) and John B (8) 1860 Census John (63)
Susannah (59) and four children Dalalah (18) John B, (10) Mary (9) and Amos J William (7)
1870 Ohio Census John, Susannah 67, and two children John B. (27) and Rebecca ( 11 or 12 )
From HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY- Louisville - This town was laid out by Dr. John Gustin, Dec. 3, 1831 on a plat of eleven acres of land, divided into 40 lots. Lacey Peyton started the first store in the villiage. A postoffice was established named GUSTIN with James McAdow as postmaster. It has long since been annulled and the villiage site turned to farm land. Other County news - A slave named Sterling stone 2 bushels of salt and was sold by the sheriff to settle costs. The law allowed the whipping post and sentences were carried out by the sheriff.
Birth21 Apr 1801
Death12 Jul 1881, Leuisville,Braton Twsp,Adams Co,Ohio
Burial15 Jul 1881, Louisville Cem.,Louisville,Adams Co,Ohio
ReligionLDS B C I E SS
Marriage19 Mar 1818, Marble Furnace,Braton Twsp,Adams Co.,Ohio